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Bryan's Posts About Being Outside

2018 Review: Point-and-Shoot Cameras for Wildlife
My 2018 digital camera review for wildlife watchers, including lots of sample photos.

“Thunder Beasts” and “Swamp Donkeys” – Friday Night in Montpelier
North Branch Nature Center, here in Montpelier, kicks off its Naturalist Journeys lecture series tonight at 7PM with bison, moose, wolves and bears.

Your Best Field Guides Aren’t Apps
What’s true for movies is true for nature apps: the book is better. If you really want to learn nature, anything from bogs to bumblebees, get an actual book. Here’s my buyer’s guide.

A Love Letter to Monhegan Island
Sure, I miss the birds and vistas on one of the most beautiful places on this Earth. But what I miss most is the Monhegan melting pot.

For a guy who could easily be dead right now, I’m not feeling half bad.

Dusk to Daytime High in Vermont
The glow and the light here in three panoramic images from the mountains of Vermont.

Don’t Drain the Swamp
At long last, I stand with President Trump. Let us ridicule Washington no more as a swamp. A cesspool? Certainly. A sewer? Sure. But not a swamp. Not as a metaphor for our center of dysfunction, corruption and angry tweets. Swamps deserve far better.

In from the Field (and Out Again)
Scenes from flight season here in Vermont — and beyond.

A Vireo Underwater
Here on Monhegan Island, off Maine’s midcoast, I noticed a Philadelphia Vireo this morning — underwater.

April Clickbait
If nature blogs were as rhapsodic as BuzzFeed and other clickbait, they might read something like these.

A Puff of Springtime from a Grey Alder
Spring erupts from Specked Alder.

A Poem for April
One of only two poems I have ever written. Yeah, April is that compelling.