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Ruth and I spent last night out on the ledges of White Rocks, just below Mt. Hunger here in Vermont’s Worcester Range. So, from top to bottom, you’re looking at:

  1. Sunset on White Rocks at our campsite.
  2. Sunrise on White Rocks, with Ruth still “in bed” looking out toward Mt. Hunger, our destination today.
  3. A big view from the summit of Mt. Hunger this morning.

These are all iPhone panoramic shots with a bit of editing in Lightroom and PhotoShop. I’ll probably teach an iPhone photography workshop here in Montpelier this fall. You’ll learn about it first by signing up for my occasional e-newsletter, Natural Selections.


  1. Sandra Bruggemann says:

    I have climbed Mt Hunger a few times but never at dusk or early morning sunrise. That was a number of year’s ago and Des Moines doesn’t have any mountains, so appreciate seeing your photos as always.

  2. Sally Edwards says:

    Wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Karen Fiebig says:

    Hi Bryan,
    My dog and I were the first to summit Stowe Pinnacle at 7 AM this beautiful morning, and now it’s fun to think that you and Ruth were on your way to the summit of Mt. Hunger at the same time. It was our first hike this summer–I finally gave up waiting for the trails to dry out. I love your photos!

    • Bryan says:

      I wish I had know, Karen. I would have waved (a lot). 🙂
      But it’s nice to know you two were out there as well!

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