Bryan's Posts About Snowy Owl

Snowy Satisfaction

A Snowy Owl struck some nice poses for me in Randolph, Vermont, on Monday.

The “Snowy Owl Scoop” Takes Flight

I’ve just launch the Snowy Owl Scoop — all sorts of online resources for meeting your Snowy Owl needs this winter, including a sightings map.

Snowy Owls Arrive

As I had predicted, the Arctic came visiting this past weekend. Snowy Owls were discovered in Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts and elsewhere across the northern U.S.

Snowy Owl Alert

This cold front could bring more than snow to New England: be on the lookout for Snowy Owls.

Vermont’s First Snowy Owl — and Other Snow (Birds) in your Forecast

The Arctic has come visiting. Vermont’s first reported Snowy Owl of the season showed up yesterday, November 12, at the Whiting Library in Addison. We’ve got news of other white birds as well.

Start Your Year with a Snowy Owl

Happy New Year. Now go find a Snowy Owl. I’ll guide you there with an interactive map of Snowy Owl sightings since December 1.

Vermont’s First Snowy Owl of Autumn

Reed Webster found this Snowy Owl in Westminster, Vermont, on October 25 – our first report of the season. The Arctic has come visiting a bit early this fall. When they do come, Snowys usually begin to arrive here in New England by mid to late…

Snowy Owls and Us

My essay on finding opportunity and humility in this winter’s irruption of Snowy Owls. For Aeon magazine.