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Bryan's Posts About Birds

The Death of a Hummingbird
In the struggle for existence, here’s a loser. Or so it would seem. I found this Costa’s Hummingbird on Saturday, already gone, in the riparian zone along the Colorado River in Yuma, Arizona.

A Rainforest Adventure
A gallery from the rainforest of Costa Rica, where I’m just back from 10 days of chasing nature.

On Darwin Day: Saving Songbirds
Today, Charles Darwin’s Birthday, I offer you a reflection from my annual bird survey at Bear Swamp in Wolcott, Vermont, where the Yellow-bellied Flycatchers call out no more.

2018 Review: Point-and-Shoot Cameras for Wildlife
My 2018 digital camera review for wildlife watchers, including lots of sample photos.

Public Radio Gets with the Gulls
Listen to me proselytize about the audacity of gulls on Vermont Public Radio.

An Arctic Adventure Among Gulls
From origins somewhere in the Arctic, not too far from the North Pole, a young Glaucous Gull made an incredible journey to a compost pile here in Vermont last year. And it might have just returned for a second winter visit.

Bird Wars
I advise caution if you were to encounter this species: Kylo Wren (Thryomanes kyloii).

Birds and Celebrations
A Baltimore Oriole in Duxbury and fine photography (and other celebrations) in Cabot.

Snowy Satisfaction
A Snowy Owl struck some nice poses for me in Randolph, Vermont, on Monday.

Your Best Field Guides Aren’t Apps
What’s true for movies is true for nature apps: the book is better. If you really want to learn nature, anything from bogs to bumblebees, get an actual book. Here’s my buyer’s guide.

Getting Gulls – My Presentation in Montpelier on December 21
You want elegance on the wing? Audacity on the beach? You gotta get with gulls. I hope to see you for this presentation in Montpelier on Thursday, December 21.

Light and Tides
An adventure in birds (no turkeys) from the Maine coast.