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Bryan's Posts About Being Outside

Purple Sandpipers, Orange Lichen and Donald Trump
An oath for nature and a view from the Arctic on Inauguration Day.

The Arctic Comes Visiting
A Snowy Owl and Purple Sandpipers, among other blasts from the Arctic here at Schoodic Point in Maine’s Acadia National Park.

The Point of Schoodic Point
Warfare, birds, a sunset and news from Schoodic Point in Maine.

Autumn EcoAlerts
Four reminders for you to look high, low and in between as you walk the cold, soggy paths this weekend.

A Butterfly and a Tribute to Glenn Jenks
During fall migration here on Monhegan Island, Maine: a butterfly and a memorial.

Celebrate Our Future with Nature on September 17
We can save the world. Or at least change it for the better. So let’s honor North Branch Nature Center, which helps save the world and enrich our lives every single day. Join us for one of the year’s great eco-events — a grand, green gala — when we celebrate NBNC’s 20th Anniversary on September 17 starting at 6PM here in Montpelier

The Other Fireworks
Bursts of color and flight from the wilds of Maine and here in Montpelier, Vermont.

Into the Wild (and Away from the Screen)
I now get to go outside and play — er, I mean work. My field season, as a consulting biologist and educator, launches like migrating warblers this week, which means you’ll find me less often here on the blog.

Ghosts and Tiny Treasures — My Essay for Aeon
Ten years ago, I walked into the swamps of Arkansas to find a ghost — and perhaps some redemption for wildlife … and for us.

Sex, Light and Opportunism
Such elegant displays. Such ruthless opportunism. Find it now in sweet hardwoods near you.

Art and Winter (and Wildlife) this Friday Evening at the Shelburne Museum
Meet me and two artists for a panel discussion at the Shelburne Museum on Friday about art and winter here in Vermont.

My Digital Photography Seminar Returns in April
Give me four hours and I’ll give you the secrets to your digital camera and the skills to take vivid photos. My only two photo workshops of the spring will be in Lebanon, NH, and Huntington, VT.