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Bryan's Posts About Vertebrates

Announcing: The Viral Spring
Your field guide to nature during the pandemic, with regular updates as we practice “distant socializing” (including in the wilds of our homes and back yards).

Sex and Mayhem in a Pond
If you ever needed proof that females bear the worst when it comes to reproduction, here it is: Wood Frog amplexus. This is not murder and mayhem. It is mayhem and mating. We’ve got the video.

The Black Bear
Guest author Grace Glynn, a field naturalist at the University of Vermont, encounters a black bear here in Vermont. A tree brings them together: American Beech.

“Thunder Beasts” and “Swamp Donkeys” – Friday Night in Montpelier
North Branch Nature Center, here in Montpelier, kicks off its Naturalist Journeys lecture series tonight at 7PM with bison, moose, wolves and bears.

April Clickbait
If nature blogs were as rhapsodic as BuzzFeed and other clickbait, they might read something like these.

Polar Bears in Montpelier
Yeah, it’s cold enough here in Montpelier for polar bears. Which is only one reason you should bundle up and visit the Unitarian Church in Montpelier at 7PM tonight.

Breeding Wood Frogs
Wood Frog breeding pandemonium in a pond here in Montpelier, Vermont. Life (even death) can be tough for the females. I’ve got the video to prove it.

A Wisconsin Badger
While chasing dragonflies in Wisconsin, I found the state animal watching me from a newly dug burrow in Flambeau River State Forest. It neither growled nor charged. (Can’t have everything.)

Subnivean Tadpole Migration
By Bryan on April 1, 2014 Ruth and I were fortunate to catch this rare and amazing tadpole migration on Mt. Hunger in Washington County, Vermont. Added on April 2, 2014: By the way, these tadpoles only move on April 1…

Montpelier Wild No. 2: The Beavers of Spring Street
A hint of spring drifted on broad wings with a bald head over Montpelier Sunday afternoon. Only days after the Vernal Equinox came our first Turkey Vulture. This vulture counts as an actual spring migrant, unlike those American Robins you’ve…

Shadows and Sex
You don’t need Punxsutawney Phil to know which way the wind blows. Groundhog Day ain’t about shadows. It’s about sex. Birds and rodents are beginning a season of foreplay.

The Crap Around Montpelier
Blogger’s Note: This post, first published on October 23, 2013, has been revised following the installation of some wonderful “poop stations” around Montpelier and adoption of a new Code of Conduct for dogs and people in Hubbard Park. Dear Montpelier…