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Subnivean Tadpole Migration
By Bryan on April 1, 2014
Ruth and I were fortunate to catch this rare and amazing tadpole migration on Mt. Hunger in Washington County, Vermont.
Added on April 2, 2014: By the way, these tadpoles only move on April 1 of every year.
Glad I kept digging – doing research for a winter adaptation unit for my 4th and 5th graders. Looking for subnivean footage. Found this and thought, “Wuh?!” Ha.
I wish you’d helped the little guy that got stuck instead of just walking away chuckling!v
think you can do the same april fools gag two years in a row and still get away with it? FOOLISH!
I think I did get away with it! 🙂
Thanks for supplying my family April Fools joke – love it.
You are prescient. I was just telling Sue Cloutier about this phenomenon a week or so ago. So glad you and Ruth braved the elements to get us this remarkable video. You are the best Bryan and btw, Happy Day! 😉 john
And a happy April Fool’s Day to you, too.
They turn in to the dreaded Snow Leopard Frog!!