Bryan's Posts About Dragonflies

Where Rivers Flow North

Need I say more? I crossed somewhere in western Ontario. And when I reached the Manitoba-Saskatchewan frontier, I met up with great swarms of dragonflies. They drifted in cities, along ponds, and in little parks where I stopped for picnics. They…

Glitter and Audacity on the Wing

We waded into ponds and rivers. We mucked around in fens and swamps. We swung our nets and clicked our shutters – all in pursuit of glitter and audacity on the wing. Nearly 50 intrepid souls convenced in Connecticut and…

What’s This? No. 9

The What’s This? challenge returns after a week of my chasing birds around northern Vermont and New Hampshire. Some of those highlights included two Bicknell’s Thrushes singing off the summit of Vermont’s Mt. Worcester on Monday, June 10, and a Tennessee…

Painted Skimmer in Vermont

David Hoag, a skilled observer of flying things, found and photographed this Painted Skimmer (Libellula semifasciata) on his home turf of Grand Isle, Vermont, on June 3. (Sorry about the belated report; I’ve been busy myself chasing flying things.) This…

Flight Happens

May 18, 2013: A breakout day for flying things. It began on one of my guided bird walks to Berlin Pond: Virginia Rail at our feet. Yellow Warblers glowing above. Scarlet Tanager, in a naked white ash, fully framed in…

Dragonfly Swarms

Those mobs of airborne dragonflies you’re seeing are either on the hunt or in migration. Here’s the scoop on dragonfly swarms.