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Bryan's Blog
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“Short” Things for the Solstice
On this shortest day of a long and dark year, I bring you solstice greetings expressed in photographs of “short” things in nature.

Gifts of the Land and Spirit
Find respite for this year and hope for the future in the pages of the Vermont Almanac and in other triumphs of the written word.

Gull Gratitude
Say what you will about the coronavirus tragedy — and I need not add to the dialogue here — but it seems to be good for gull-watching.

Vermont’s Imperfect Ban on Socializing
A common sense explanation of Vermont’s latest policy on the pandemic: basically a ban on socializing.

Geese, Gulls and Owls
Three celebrations of “stick season” — in black, white and gray: the eruption of Snow Geese here in Vermont and in New York, the anticipation of Snowy Owls from the Arctic, and the joys of watching gulls during my online workshop on November 20.

A Tribute to Endangered Radio
My homage to WDEV: local, independent commercial (yeah, commercial) radio and why we need to support it.

A Rare Bee and an Audacious Beetle
I have become one of the few people in this world to have photographed this bee on its favorite flower. Even so, I have yet to see a frog shit out a living beetle.

The Winds of August
Summer readings, flowers and flying things. Oh, and a couple of puppy pictures.

The Virtue in Uncertainty
Lessons from the lovely, confusing butterflies here in my backyard — and most likely in yours.

Little Brown Butterflies and the Pandemic
Finding refuge from the coronavirus pandemic among rare brown butterflies and remote northern bogs.

The Audacity of Bloodroot
Elegance and audacity in the dance of the Bloodroot’s flower and leaf — with snow in the forecast tonight here in Vermont.

Announcing: The Viral Spring
Your field guide to nature during the pandemic, with regular updates as we practice “distant socializing” (including in the wilds of our homes and back yards).