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Laughing Gull by Bryan Pfeiffer

Geese, Gulls and Owls

November's Tour de Force of Black, White and Gray

October 28, 2020  |  by Bryan Pfeiffer  |  6 comments  | 

Stick season in Vermont — when the color drains from our forests. Even so, there is force and grace in this season’s colorless birds, which are anything but lackluster.

Here below for you are three celebrations of November — expressed in black, white and gray: the eruption of Snow Geese here in Vermont and in New York, the anticipation of Snowy Owls from the Arctic, and the joys of watching gulls during my online workshop on November 20. The workshop is free of charge, but donations to North Branch Nature Center are most welcome.

Gulls Demystified — An Online Lesson

Friday, November 20 7PM Free on Zoom

They are among the most successful birds on the planet, living everywhere from the polar regions to parking lots. Yet even as they pose for us in plain sight, gulls can be notoriously hard to identify. With my images, videos, exuberance and strategies, you’ll be enjoying gulls this winter like never before. Brought to you via Zoom by my pals at North Branch Center Center »

And finally …

In addition to the charismatic avifauna above, I bring you a gallery of the colorless, well, for the most part, and still flying around in stick season.

Ruth and our pup Odin discussing the finer points of stick season out behind our home in Montpelier today (28 October).

  1. Willem Leenstra says:

    Hey Bryan – I saw that you are developing online seminars. Are you also planning any field excursions for this year? Just wondering because a lot of folks who might want to join you will have been fully vaccinated soon.

  2. Colleen K/. says:

    I was up in Coos Cty, NH the beginning of October and had an interesting meetup w/ some Gray Jays. While investigating a bog area on E. Inlet, some Gray Jays dive bombed my friend & I as we attempted to take some photos of them. I knew nothing about them, but I do now. BTW…I did get some good photos of them.

  3. Gail McPeek says:

    Do we need to pre-register for the gull zoom?


    Thank you for this cheerful blogpost. Love all your photos, observations and writings but especially love the photo of Ruth & Odin. Stick season. Perfect!

  5. Carolyn says:

    Chickadees are my favorite manifestation of stick season. They seem to disappear over the summer, but in fall and winter they are my joy and inspiration.

    Meanwhile, if I saw any of these gulls at my location in any season, I’d probably faint! 🙂

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