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Bryan's Blog
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A Fading Serenade
My essay, published Sunday in The Boston Globe, about aging as a field biologist — and finding new ways to save wildlife and wild places on a damaged planet.

A Flower’s Reproductive Antics
For two hours we sat beside a trail and did little more than observe how a stately flower reproduces. Our singular task was in part an act of rebellion.

Light from Darkness
By the thousands they flew into our lives: Moths sporting zigzags and polka dots. Moths adorned in carmine, azure and gold. Here’s my report on lessons from National Moth Week.

The Spineless Speak Up
Three caterpillars I encountered this month illustrate the raw force of insects on Planet Earth.

Podcast: Birding and Conversation
My morning birding with Erica Heilman, a dear friend and the creator of Rumble Strip. It’s a podcast. So as we watched Yellow Warblers glow, Erica and I talked about birds and about finding our place in the world.

Watching Swallows
Finding respite from suburbia, in suburbia, within a flock of swallows on the wing. Oh, and some friendly advice for over-eager birdwatchers and photographers.

Insects for Birders
Join me April 2 for inspiration and practical advice on turning your binoculars toward butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies, tiger beetles and other glittering insects, which E. O. Wilson calls the “little things that run the world.”

First in Flower
The Eastern Bluebird, singing in a flight display overhead, put an end to winter. My day could have been complete. Then came the flowers.

Greg Lasley
Greg Lasley, who died on January 30, personified dignity and benevolence. And because he showed us wildlife and wild places, Greg ranks among our great conservationists. He gave so that we might see the world.

The Light is Coming
I have no clue what Punxsutawney Phil declared on Groundhog Day. Shadows may come and go. What is certain, however, is the light — and nature’s response.

On Inauguration Day, an ephemeral insect in the Grand Canyon offers some perspective on rebuilding, hope and new forms of extinction.

The Year in Flight
From tiny butterflies to grand landscapes, my images of wildlife and wild places during a turbulent and traumatic year.