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Bryan's Blog
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Crap or Moth?
Droppings from nature.

The Week in Flying Things
A state endangered butterfly. A globally vulnerable beetle. And a few common insects, including a lovely moth that resembles a pile of bird crap. So goes the week in flight.

A Complete Butterfly Life on a Single Day
From a wet meadow here in Vermont, a shocking butterfly bares it all at every stage of life.

The Other Fireworks
Bursts of color and flight from the wilds of Maine and here in Montpelier, Vermont.

The Moths of Montpelier
Got wildlife? Find the light. Here is but a fraction of the moths coming to my UV light here in Montpelier the past few nights.

Into the Wild (and Away from the Screen)
I now get to go outside and play — er, I mean work. My field season, as a consulting biologist and educator, launches like migrating warblers this week, which means you’ll find me less often here on the blog.

What’s This? No. 30
Name this bird and be eligible to win the next primary election. No, be eligible to win fame. Well, okay, maybe you’ll win five bucks.

Ghosts and Tiny Treasures — My Essay for Aeon
Ten years ago, I walked into the swamps of Arkansas to find a ghost — and perhaps some redemption for wildlife … and for us.

Sex, Light and Opportunism
Such elegant displays. Such ruthless opportunism. Find it now in sweet hardwoods near you.

Happy Earth Day 2016
Greetings from Planet Earth on its day of recognition and celebration (which in my life is every day).

Earth Day Week Events (including my “Audacity of Migration” talk on Friday)
Meet me in Waitsfield Friday night, April 22 (Earth Day), for amazing tales from the frontiers of migration. And have a look at where we human fit in a new “tree of life.”

Going Wild This Thursday in Thetford
Meet me at Thetford Academy this Thursday, April 14, at 7PM to explore the frontiers of the American backyard — and beyond.