Bryan's Posts About Gila Wilderness

A Wren and a Revelation (and a Threaded Pipe)

From the canyon came a wren during the Gila River Christmas Bird count. But not just any wren. This is the wren of vertical walls, the wren of rocky dreams, the wren with a cascading serenade, here at my cabin in New Mexico.

Forest Gleanings: Fall Foliage in the Desert

Fall foliage and other stuff I picked up and photographed here in southwestern New Mexico. Might I get a little crowd-sourcing on this? I’m basically clueless on western botany, in large part owing to the time I devote to chasing birds and insects out here (or because of all the time I spend staring into space).

A Golden Eagle Giving Me the “Eagle-Eye”

Good thing I’m not a jackrabbit or a gopher. Although they are capable of taking larger prey — including bighorn sheep, coyotes, or Sandhill Cranes — Golden Eagles specialize in small and medium-sized mammals.