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GOOD THING I’m not a jackrabbit or a gopher. Although they are capable of taking larger prey — including bighorn sheep, coyotes, or Sandhill Cranes — Golden Eagles specialize in small and medium-sized mammals.

Golden Eagles also begin courtship here in the American Southwest this time of year, which usually involves aerial displays, vocalization, and stick carrying. Hoping to see this bird again, I’m now carrying sticks. (Click on the image for a slightly bigger view.)

  1. Jeff says:

    I’ve seen online videos of Golden Eagles used to kill wolves in Mongolia or some place like that. That’s one tough bird! So sizing up a human as prey might not be beyond possible but it was probably just taking note.

  2. Dawn says:

    Gorgeous Shot!

  3. Sue Cloutier says:

    the things we do for love…

  4. lindawurm says:

    I am enjoying a morning chuckle as I truly can envision you running briskly with an armload of sticks for this guy (girl?)

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