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Bryan's Posts About Moths

Be the Flame and the Moth
The profound diversity of life on Earth — flying now to your doorstep.

Sex and Light
On the shortest day of the year, when most of us turn toward the light, I seek out creatures of the dark: moths mating in the cold.

Light from Darkness
By the thousands they flew into our lives: Moths sporting zigzags and polka dots. Moths adorned in carmine, azure and gold. Here’s my report on lessons from National Moth Week.

The Spineless Speak Up
Three caterpillars I encountered this month illustrate the raw force of insects on Planet Earth.

Insects for Birders
Join me April 2 for inspiration and practical advice on turning your binoculars toward butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies, tiger beetles and other glittering insects, which E. O. Wilson calls the “little things that run the world.”

Insects and Impeachment
Pygmy dragonflies, charismatic butterflies, atomic bombs and toxic politics.

Cheating Death
A moth, a carnivorous plant, a Barbara Kingsolver novel and its cover illustration launch me on a journey of natural history and mistaken identity.

Flowers and Light
New research on butterfly evolution helps explain the force that drove these insects from the darkness into the light.

Fall Migration
Here in the woods of home today, rather than watching waves of hawks and Monarchs, I’m hot on the trail of a little caterpillar on its journey of only a few feet.

Defiance and Disguise
Shock, awe and subterfuge as survival skills among moth caterpillars I encountered this week.

Pale Beauties
Elegance now flies and blooms in shades of white. During my meanderings so far this month, I’ve found pale beauty where plants and insects converge.

National Moth Week (I’m sure you all celebrated) ended Sunday. My celebration included three dozen moth species, a mere fraction of what came visiting my home here in Montpelier, Vermont, presented in full-frontal display here on my web site.