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Bryan's Posts About Butterflies

Monhegan Report No. 2: The Other Migration
On the breath of Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind, migrants blew onto Monhegan Island Tuesday morning. No fallout, but we were busy with some of the place-name warblers: Tennessee, Nashville, Cape May. South winds Wednesday produced a quiet morning.

Dirty Insect Image No. 2
It spends most of its life as an egg attached to the underside of a cranberry leaf in a single spruce bog. But during its week-or-so fling as a tiny adult, the Bog Copper (Lycaena epixanthe), about the size of…
Monarchs Wednesday in Brookfield

National Moth Week 2013
By Bryan on July 23, 2013 Grab the kids, chill the beer, mash the bananas, paint the trees, and leave the porch light burning – it’s National Moth Week. Here’s my contribution, from north central Saskatchewan, well over halfway to…

Flight Happens
May 18, 2013: A breakout day for flying things. It began on one of my guided bird walks to Berlin Pond: Virginia Rail at our feet. Yellow Warblers glowing above. Scarlet Tanager, in a naked white ash, fully framed in…

What’s This? No. 3
This came from a woods road in Pownal, Vermont, on May 30, 2008. The first to name it wins fame on and $5 off any of my outings or workshops. Keep reading to learn the answer and see full-frontal photos.