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Bryan's Posts About Butterflies

The Butterfly Effect
In case you missed it, after 21 years of searching I discovered an imperiled butterfly the size of a penny flying in my home state of Vermont. Then came the international “notoriety.”

The World on the Wing of a Butterfly
From arctic bogs to southwestern deserts — and lots of places in between — I offer you transcendence on the wing of a tiny butterfly.

The Spineless Speak Up
Three caterpillars I encountered this month illustrate the raw force of insects on Planet Earth.

Insects for Birders
Join me April 2 for inspiration and practical advice on turning your binoculars toward butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies, tiger beetles and other glittering insects, which E. O. Wilson calls the “little things that run the world.”

The Year in Flight
From tiny butterflies to grand landscapes, my images of wildlife and wild places during a turbulent and traumatic year.

“Short” Things for the Solstice
On this shortest day of a long and dark year, I bring you solstice greetings expressed in photographs of “short” things in nature.

The Winds of August
Summer readings, flowers and flying things. Oh, and a couple of puppy pictures.

The Virtue in Uncertainty
Lessons from the lovely, confusing butterflies here in my backyard — and most likely in yours.

Little Brown Butterflies and the Pandemic
Finding refuge from the coronavirus pandemic among rare brown butterflies and remote northern bogs.

Orange and Metal
Orangetip and metalmark butterflies, their charisma, coronavirus, and the human condition this coming spring.

Butterflies in Tribute to Darwin and Lincoln
Butterflies in celebration of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, each born on this day 211 years ago.

Insects and Impeachment
Pygmy dragonflies, charismatic butterflies, atomic bombs and toxic politics.