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Bryan's Posts About Botany

Refuge in a Flower and its Bee
While conducting casual research on one of my favorite flowers, I discovered something intrinsic to nature: escape and respite. (My latest essay for The Boston Globe.)

The World on the Wing of a Butterfly
From arctic bogs to southwestern deserts — and lots of places in between — I offer you transcendence on the wing of a tiny butterfly.

A Flower’s Reproductive Antics
For two hours we sat beside a trail and did little more than observe how a stately flower reproduces. Our singular task was in part an act of rebellion.

First in Flower
The Eastern Bluebird, singing in a flight display overhead, put an end to winter. My day could have been complete. Then came the flowers.

The Light is Coming
I have no clue what Punxsutawney Phil declared on Groundhog Day. Shadows may come and go. What is certain, however, is the light — and nature’s response.

The Year in Flight
From tiny butterflies to grand landscapes, my images of wildlife and wild places during a turbulent and traumatic year.

“Short” Things for the Solstice
On this shortest day of a long and dark year, I bring you solstice greetings expressed in photographs of “short” things in nature.

A Rare Bee and an Audacious Beetle
I have become one of the few people in this world to have photographed this bee on its favorite flower. Even so, I have yet to see a frog shit out a living beetle.

The Winds of August
Summer readings, flowers and flying things. Oh, and a couple of puppy pictures.

The Audacity of Bloodroot
Elegance and audacity in the dance of the Bloodroot’s flower and leaf — with snow in the forecast tonight here in Vermont.

Announcing: The Viral Spring
Your field guide to nature during the pandemic, with regular updates as we practice “distant socializing” (including in the wilds of our homes and back yards).

The Naked Signs of Spring
Reporting from the American South, I bring you vultures, violets and hints of springtime.