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Bryan's Posts About Birdwatching

Getting Goosed This Autumn
In the angled light and wide open spaces of the Champlain Valley this autumn, I suggest that you get goosed.

A Vireo Underwater
Here on Monhegan Island, off Maine’s midcoast, I noticed a Philadelphia Vireo this morning — underwater.

Drum Roll, Please
Trees speak many languages: their leaves whoosh in summer, their trunks creak in winter. At the onset of spring, however, trees become sounding boards for courtship. Before the thrushes and warblers and sparrows arrive to sing from branches and boughs, woodpeckers kick off the spring chorus with a drum roll.

The Arctic Comes Visiting
A Snowy Owl and Purple Sandpipers, among other blasts from the Arctic here at Schoodic Point in Maine’s Acadia National Park.

Getting Gulls: The Map
Go forth and get gulls. As a bonus feature of my Getting Gulls workshop in Essex, Vermont, on December 1, I’m developing a crowd-sourced map to prime gull-watching sites in New England. It’s your gateway to gulls.

Got Gulls?
They are among the most successful birds on Earth, living from polar regions to parking lots, along shorelines or at sewage ponds. They can be elegant or brutish, ambitious or lazy. And even as they pose for us in plain sight, they can be notoriously hard to identify — but not any more. Getting Gulls, my new workshop, debuts Thursday, December 1 at 6:30PM in the Essex High School auditorium in Essex, Vermont.

Got Geese?
Now that Snow Geese are returning to Vermont, track the migration with my 2016 Snow Goose Scoop. It’s one-stop shopping for the great white goose show.

Into the Wild (and Away from the Screen)
I now get to go outside and play — er, I mean work. My field season, as a consulting biologist and educator, launches like migrating warblers this week, which means you’ll find me less often here on the blog.

Ghosts and Tiny Treasures — My Essay for Aeon
Ten years ago, I walked into the swamps of Arkansas to find a ghost — and perhaps some redemption for wildlife … and for us.

Life in Flight in the Rio Grande Valley
A sampling of life on the wing here in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Many of these butterflies, in profile, are no bigger than a nickle or so (but they are indeed priceless).

A Wren and a Revelation (and a Threaded Pipe)
From the canyon came a wren during the Gila River Christmas Bird count. But not just any wren. This is the wren of vertical walls, the wren of rocky dreams, the wren with a cascading serenade, here at my cabin in New Mexico.

Get Goosed This Weekend
If you haven’t seen the snows of autumn, this weekend should be a good bet for getting goosed. In the December warmth, thousands of Snow Geese continue to flock and fly in Vermont and New York