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Bryan's Posts About Being Outside

The Virtue in Uncertainty
Lessons from the lovely, confusing butterflies here in my backyard — and most likely in yours.

Little Brown Butterflies and the Pandemic
Finding refuge from the coronavirus pandemic among rare brown butterflies and remote northern bogs.

Announcing: The Viral Spring
Your field guide to nature during the pandemic, with regular updates as we practice “distant socializing” (including in the wilds of our homes and back yards).

The Naked Signs of Spring
Reporting from the American South, I bring you vultures, violets and hints of springtime.

Avocets and Hockey
A field biologist (and hockey fan) reviews the Montpelier Chamber Orchestra’s performance last night.

The Monarch Monsoon
A Monarch on its way to Mexico would seem to have no legitimate business 10 miles out to sea. Try telling that to the thousands of Monarchs here in the Gulf of Maine on Monhegan Island.

The Extinction of Meaning
Now that the Trump administration has advanced its plan to weaken the Endangered Species Act, here’s my essay, first published at, about our fading ties to wildlife and wild places.

A Tiger Tale
In sun-dappled woods in southern Vermont, the discovery of a rare and charismatic dragonfly ended a mystery that began two years ago.

Messin’ With Texas
To leave Vermont in summertime is to take leave of your senses. But here’s my justification: a shock-and-awe dragonfly.

When Songbirds Fall to Earth
Delivered from the fog, the grace and irony of tired warblers feeding at my feet on Monhegan Island, Maine.

A Bog in Bloom
On an Atlantic White Cedar Bog in Maine yesterday, I did not find Hessel’s Hairstreak. But that’s okay. I turned my lens instead toward plants.

The Falcon and the Flycatcher
Here on Monhegan Island, a flycatcher dies in a falcon’s grip, and then falls gracefully to earth.