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Bryan's Blog
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Vermont’s New Damselfly and Dragonfly Atlas
Today we launched the Vermont Damselfly and Dragonfly Atlas, which allows anyone to report, track, study, discover or simply enjoy these charismatic insects.

April Clickbait
If nature blogs were as rhapsodic as BuzzFeed and other clickbait, they might read something like these.

A Puff of Springtime from a Grey Alder
Spring erupts from Specked Alder.

A Poem for April
One of only two poems I have ever written. Yeah, April is that compelling.

Happy Vernal Equinox
On this day with roughly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness, I bring you two insects.

Winter Butterflies
A butterfly slide show to join the odd winter warmth on the way here in New England.

Ruth Einstein’s Annual Super Bowl Proclamation
Wisdom and logic in Super Bowl declarations from my partner in love and life Ruth Einstein, who doesn’t care much for football. Oh, and some owl photos.

Purple Sandpipers, Orange Lichen and Donald Trump
An oath for nature and a view from the Arctic on Inauguration Day.

The Arctic Comes Visiting
A Snowy Owl and Purple Sandpipers, among other blasts from the Arctic here at Schoodic Point in Maine’s Acadia National Park.

The Point of Schoodic Point
Warfare, birds, a sunset and news from Schoodic Point in Maine.

BirdNote: A Rumble of Geese
Feel the pulse of 10,000 wings in today’s episode of BirdNote — my account from dawn at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in the desert of New Mexico. I’m honored to have joined the team of writers at BirdNote, a syndicated adventure in sound and flight.

Russian Burglars, Our Democracy and a Siberian Jay
Russian nature and the nature of our democracy.