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Life Expressed in Flight, Poetry and Music
At long last, we here in the north shall launch into spring next week.
I’ll celebrate with two events. I hope to see you at either one — or both.
Butterflies for Birders (and Beginners) – Wednesday, April 25, at 6:30pm in Richmond, Vermont
Long before birds showed up on Planet Earth, insects were already on the wing. They invented flight. Name a color or pattern or behavior — you’ll find it expressed in butterflies. And it all plays out at your feet. I’ll show you the drama at the Richmond Free Library on Wednesday, April 25, starting at 6:30PM in my presentation Butterflies for Birders (and Beginners). In this program, a cascade of glittering wings, I’ll offer you the skills for discovering and enjoying butterflies (with a brief detour to moths, which are about 20 times more diverse than butterflies). Free and open to anyone, this is a vernal event for Green Mountain Audubon Society.
birds, words and notes – Friday, April 27, at 7pm in Montpelier, Vermont
Meet us at North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier for birds, words and notes: A Celebration of the World Around Us in Poetry, Reflection and Music. Your artists for this gathering hope to vibrate your senses. Scudder Parker will read his poems; I’ll reflect on nature; and Ruth Einstein (violin) and D. Davis (guitar) will serenade the spring. We’ll also have time to chat over cheese, fruit, treats and beverages. With a suggested donation at the door, this is a fundraiser for the Nature Center and an event in Montpelier’s famed Poem City celebration.
Sweet. Sweeter than candy.
You got it! You know it!