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Promethea Moth / © Tom Peterson, Fermilab

Promethea Moth / © Tom Peterson, Fermilab

Here are three things still hanging around Vermont this winter. Name them and be eligible to win $5 off any of my outings or workshops. Please enter in the comments section below. I’ll choose a winner at random in a day or two. Don’t forget the “Creative But Wrong” category.

March 14: We have a winner! Selected at random, Brian Parson correctly identified these hanging things as: the empty husk (involucre) of an American Beech fruit, a Promethea Moth cocoon (with the pupa still in there), and a precious Beaked Hazelnut fruit (spared from the squirrels). Way to go, Brian! This challenge was tougher than most, with only two of you getting all three correct and a few others getting two out of three. Nice work!

The observant Judy Brook wins the “Creative But Incorrect” category, with this wonderful bit of whimsy:

#1 are two aging Pac Man icons; #2 is a joint poorly rolled by a Vermonter wearing mittens; #3 shows the front claws and fur insulated balls of the illusive arctic crab.

Find all my What’s This? challenges here. And if you’re looking to learn or get outside this spring, my Events calendar (lectures and outings) is getting busy.

Hanging Thing No. 1 = American Beech involucre


Hanging Thing No. 2 = Promethea Moth cocoon


Hanging Thing No. 3 = Beaked Hazelnut


  1. Judy Brook says:

    #1 are two aging Pac Man icons; #2 is a joint poorly rolled by a Vermonter wearing mittens; #3 shows the front claws and fur insulated balls of the illusive arctic crab.

  2. Brian Parsons says:

    1 – American Beech fruit husk
    2 – Promethea Moth cocoon
    3 – Beaked Hazelnut fruit

  3. Kevin Hemeon says:

    Beech nut husk, silk moth (Prometheus?) cocoon, Hazel nut.

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