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A high camp above the Arctic Circle in Norway last summer at 1:30AM / © Bryan Pfeiffer

It is with some irony that Ruth Einstein and I use my blog to thank everyone who attended our “Naked in Norway” talk last night in Montpelier. I’m told you were 120 strong — a fine turnout to support North Branch Nature Center. (Everyone stayed fully clothed.)

Ruth and I prefer a roomful of people to blog posts, emails, and social media any day. We like actual faces more than Facebook. Our only regret was that we couldn’t say hello to each and every one of you last night. So let’s do this more often. Let’s get coffee, go for walks, and meet again — indoors, outside, away from the glowing screens — among our vibrant communities of people and great places.

Ruth climbing a high pass on the Lofoten Islands

Ruth climbing a high pass on Moskenes in Norway’s Lofoten Islands / © Bryan Pfeiffer

  1. Joyce Werntgen says:

    Thank you Bryan and Ruth…….wonderful escape from the cold, snowy night and amongst so many wonderful friends. I agree……human contact beats facebook,email, text and the telephone…….thank you so much for this AWESOME opportunity to travel a bit through Norway with you and thrill to the beautiful scenery.

  2. Catherine Simpson says:

    Dear Bryan and Ruth – Thank you so much for such an entertaining, informative, educational talk and stunning and fun slides about your Norway trip Friday evening. And your follow-up post yesterday, Gratitude, was such a lovely sentiment. Being around you all is a pleasure even in front of (your) glowing screens!

  3. coppsky says:

    yes, sorry i couldn’t make it to the presentation but would be happy to have more opportunities to get together to share photos and stories and information in person…though i do appreciate your online presence as well.

  4. Julie Filiberti says:

    It was a great talk! Thanks to you both for taking us to a stunningly beautiful place on a cold Vermont winter night!

  5. Roberta Downey says:

    Lovely time thanks for sharing the beauty.

  6. jane vossler says:

    Larry and I were there last night! Great talk and great photos! There were so many people that we didn’t get to say hi as I had hoped to do. Perhaps, another place, another time. Your talk reminded us of our own trip to Norway which was quite a few years ago. We also went above the Arctic Circle. Jane

  7. Carolyn says:

    Would have loved to attend your talk, but traveling to Montpelier at night in winter just doesn’t work for some of us. If you ever come south, give a shout!

  8. Rita Pitkin says:

    Bryan and Ruth – Thanks for taking us out of the snowy cold to the land of snowless midnight light, we three travelers from the NEK (two from Glover!) fully enjoyed our time with you in the “big” city!

  9. Robert Barascch says:

    Welcome back to Vermont. Sorry I missed your presentation.

  10. Julie says:

    Thank YOU, Brian and Ruth, for inspiring and fascinating travel stories, fabulous photos!

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