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Barred Before Bosque
Before I left Vermont for New Mexico, a few Barred Owls came visiting by email. Kerry and Linda Hurd, fittingly, encountered this Barred Owl above while attending the beautiful memorial celebration of Bob Spear’s life at his Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington, Vermont, on October 25. Kerry and Linda are dedicated Museum supporters. It was nice to see them at Bob’s memorial.
Then came this cool shot below from Kyle Albee on November 16 at Indian Brook Reservoir in Essex, Vermont. Below Kyle’s shot is one from Ali Wagner (digi-scoped) in Huntington, Vermont, and then one of my own, from Calais, Vermont, several years ago.
Tomorrow I’ll post from Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico, where Ruth and I visited with tens of thousands of Snow Geese and Sandhill Cranes.
Gorgeous! Thanks! I have seen several along I-91 in VT…while driving to and from Cabot & CT.
Rollin Tebbetts
Seems to be a lot out there, Rollin.