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Dawn and Rare Birds
SUNRISE THIS MORNING is better than any warbler on Monhegan Island. Well, except for yesterday, when I found a Connecticut Warbler on the Burnt Head trail. Other big news from a flight of birds on Wednesday was one or more Yellow-headed Blackbirds, first discovered by Steve and Jane Mirick. Even so, a highlight of Wednesday was my meeting the kind and brilliant biologist Trevor Lloyd-Evans here on Monhegan.
I’m rushing out the door. Here, from Wednesday, is a Dickcissel from Josh Lincoln and a Blue-headed Vireo from Bill Thompson.
Dear Bryan,
Your photo of dawn on Monhegan was stunning. Thank you. Sure wish I was with you instead of recovering from hip replacement surgery. Next year.
My best,
Hi Judy,
Yikes! Heal well soon! Dancing on Monhegan next year!