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Bryan's Posts About Addison

Got Geese?
Now that Snow Geese are returning to Vermont, track the migration with my 2016 Snow Goose Scoop. It’s one-stop shopping for the great white goose show.

Backgrounder: Where Are the Snow Geese?
The latest news on why you may — or may not — find Snow Geese here in Vermont or New York.

The 2014 Snow Goose Scoop
The snows of autumn begin.
Snow geese are once again moving through Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area in Addison, Vermont. Follow the migration on my new page: THE 2014 SNOW GOOSE SCOOP.
Get the latest reports on goose counts. Read about why snow geese no longer gather in the numbers we enjoyed during the 1980s and 1990s. You’ll also find range maps, articles, and other resources on the biology and ecology of snow geese.
You’ll even find help identifying the rare Ross’s Goose among the honking blizzard of white.