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During these shortest days of the year, here is some light — three Eastern Bluebirds visiting my backyard not more than a half mile from downtown Montpelier. They’ve been here for three days. Click any image below for the full-frontal views and slide show.

  1. Mine have been silent. Not a peep.

  2. judy welna says:

    Is there a sweeter song at any time of year? We’ve had nesting pairs since 1973. Quite often we see or hear them during the winter.

  3. I’m getting other reports as well. They’re rare in winter outside he Champlain Lowlands.

  4. Come over to see them!

  5. Nancy chickering says:

    hadn’t seen these posts let alone those beauties–thanks for capturing and sharing

  6. Ann Creaven says:

    I had 3 visiting in early November here in west Glover…thought that was unusual.

  7. Yep, lots of it even here in Montpelier, Abby! How fortunate we are!

  8. Abby colihan says:

    Wow, those pictures are amazing! I cannot believe their color. Thanks, Bryan!

  9. Jill says:

    I saw one too! Lincoln Ave, Montpelier! I swear I hadn’t imagined it. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Maureen Rosita Russell says:

    How inspiring to see these Eastern Bluebirds. What are their habits?

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