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Blackberry Looper (Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria) / © Bryan Pfeiffer
National Moth Week (I’m sure you all celebrated) ended Sunday. My celebration included three dozen moth species, a mere fraction of what came visiting my home here in Montpelier, Vermont, presented in full-frontal display on a special page here on my website. See for yourself »
By the way, credit for our title—”Mothpelier”—goes to one of my graduate students at the University of Vermont, Hannah Phillips. And for even more moth musing, check out the recent blog post of yet another of my talented students, Katherine Hale.
Wow. So sad, Barbara. We’ve got rain — and flowers here in Vermont. But the blooms do seem a bit meager. But fear not for those moths. They’ve been around 100 millions years, give or take. Next year! 🙂
And if you’re into moths, every day is Mothers Day.
Love it! Carpet Moths! 🙂
Some caterpillars are generalists, eating various plants, some are specialists. These moths, I suspect, represent a smorgasbord of everything growing around me here in Montpelier.
Exquisite! ….and their caterpillars ate…?
Wow! Incredible photos – mostly of moths I’ve never seen, ever. You could doubtless sell some of these photos (especially Haris 3-spot) to high-end textile designers; they’d look stunning on furniture or carpets. They’re stunning just as they are!
Dont know about Natl Moth Week, but isn’t Mothers Day earlier in the year?
No Primrose Moths, this year, Bryan? I’ve only seen a couple & have witnessed plants being chopped down, more often than not. That, in addition to blossoms shriveling as soon as they bloom, due to the unusually high temperatures, bodes ill for the moths! I saw this one poor moth, atop a plant, rather than nestled in a blossom. Sad.