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Snowy Owl by Bryan Pfeiffer

Snowy Owl Alert

New Sightings from New England and the Midwest

October 27, 2018  |  by Bryan Pfeiffer  |  11 comments  | 

The 2018 season begins. Snowy Owls are turning up in New England, Quebec, Ontario, Michigan and across central Canadian provinces. As usual, we’re often finding them near water’s edge.

The first Snowy sighting here in Vermont came yesterday from the Sandbar Causeway at Grand Isle, a reliable spot along Lake Champlain. Another turned up across the lake in New York. And other new reports began to emerge on Thursday, October 25, including at least one Snowy Owl on Plum Island in Massachusetts (another reliable spot).

It’s hard to say at this point whether we’ll have a big winter with owls. But I’ll be tracking the movement for you on the Snowy Owl Scoop. Oh, by the way, I’m also tracking the fall Snow Goose migration on the Snow Goose Scoop. And for what it’s worth, we’re starting to see Snow Buntings in the region as well. Even actual snow. Onward!

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  1. SPSmith says:

    Hi. Went to Plum Island yesterday, 2/19/19, and saw a Snowy near lot #3.

  2. Judy Mirro says:

    Truly exciting!! Had one show up here in Randolph Center last year (sightings for about one week near VTC). Never could got a good photo. Yours are just spectacular!

  3. Ann Lewis says:

    I appreciate the alert, Bryan, especially since I am headed to Plum Island next weekend! Hope it sticks around. Keep those updates coming!

  4. Susan Black says:

    Thanks for sharing your incredible photo of the snowy owl, Bryan! Looking forward to seeing some more – and to catching sight of a snowy owl here in Montreal!

  5. Thanks, Rick. Let’s hope more are on the way!

  6. Rick Paradis says:

    Wonderful Snowy Owl image in flight! Thanks for sharing your wise words and amazing photographs.

  7. Nancy Chickering says:

    Yahoo that you are doing this sweet Bryan.
    Thanks for keeping us posted and yahoo for the snowy owl

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