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Snowy Owl in Randolph Center, Vermont

The Snowy Owl Scoop

Autumn 2023 — A Message from Bryan

With regret and wistfulness, I will no longer be tracking Snowy Owl movements here at the Snowy Owl Scoop. through the coming winter.  Although these owls are among the greatest of avian spectacles, I’ve launched a new online project called Chasing Nature, where I’m writing essays on wildlife (including owls), wild places, and the human condition. Chasing Nature is now my passion (and my Third Act).

On Chasing Nature I’ll report from time to time on the Snowy Owl distribution across North America during the winter of 2023-2024. So check in there now and then. Better yet, subscribe or just browse — it’s free. For now, my intellectual capital and online energy are devoted to those essays. (By the way, that’s the Chasing Nature logo.)

Thanks for being here over the years. It’s meant a lot to me.

— Bryan Pfeiffer