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Ericaceae by Jerry Jenkins

A Field Guide to Field Guides

Recommendations for Readers of Chasing Nature

Find your way in nature with help from books and other good stuff. If you’re brand new to some group of wild things, learn first from those books — not necessarily from apps. Here below are some of my favorite field guides and other resources, many of which cover the Northeast of the U.S. (where lots of my readers and I reside). If you do not live here, however, fear not: you’ll no doubt find superb regional field guides close to home, which I will be adding here in weeks to come.

My suggestions below skew toward birds, insects, and botany. But this is a living document, er, web page — so please send me worthy additions from around the world (particularly the U.K., which claims some phenomenal field guides). I’ll update regularly, including with other taxa — anything from sedges to slime molds and beyond.